This training course is Step 3 of AMT’s PA State recognized INDUSTRIAL FLUID POWER (IFP) Program [see link below for Program information].
*(HOH) – 3rd step (Level 3) industrial hydraulics training course – 5 days – This is a unique way to advance your skills beyond Industrial Hydraulic Principles. The goal of this 3rd level hydraulic maintenance course is to develop maintenance personnel with advanced hydraulic skills. Students achieve this advanced capability with training that is centered in the lab. During the week, students will be presented with a variety of hydraulic valves and they will evaluate several hydraulic circuits. Students will determine if the valve is functioning properly and if the circuit in which the valve is used is adjusted properly. They will be guided through this process of discovery of valve function and circuit operation. Lab exercises are challenging. The same process of discovery and understanding is applied to pumps and variable displacement pump controls, accumulators and electro-proportional hydraulic valves. Students will learn all of the (often used) variable displacement pump controls and their proper adjustment. Students will increase their hydraulic schematic reading skills. Much of this fast-paced course is lab oriented – hands on. There is, however, classroom time. This training course begins where the Industrial Hydraulic Principles (IHP) course ends.
* This training course qualifies for AMT’s Industrial Fluid Power (IFP) Program. Enrollment in the IFP Program is optional and without additional cost but must occur in the GSH course. Student evaluation at the end of the training course.
Click here for information on AMT’s Industrial Fluid Power (IFP) Program.
1. This is a level 3 hydraulic training course. To enroll the potential student must have completed a bona-fide hydraulic principles course of study – AMT’s IHP or similar – no other prerequisite required if not participating in AMT’s IFP Program.
2. If participating in AMT’s IFP Program – satisfactory completion of both GSH and IHP courses.
Click here for HOH topical outline.
Click here for 20 ideas you will take back to work and use
Tuition: $1,875.00 includes all training materials, breakfast items, morning and afternoon refreshments, complete lunch and special graduation dinner.
Payment – all major credit cards, cash or company check, PO with 30-day net terms. A 3% Processing fee will be included for credit card payments.
For more information or check on enrollment availability, call 800-597-6577 or email enroll@amthydraulics.com
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Our pledge for everything we do and all of our courses: Students that successfully complete our training courses will return to their work place with real skills that they can use and their company needs. We hope you and your company will compare before you choose where you go for training. Compare the instructor staff. Compare the training equipment. Compare the training environment in and out of the classroom. Who can best provide you with the information you need to do your job?