WHAT IS IT? This Industrial Hydraulics Competency-based Certification (HCBC) measures and confirms our students’ industrial hydraulics knowledge level after completing each one of the 3 hydraulic training courses. Students confirm their industrial hydraulics knowledge by way of an end-of-class assessment.
CBCH is a 3-step training course process. Each course advances the maintenance technician’s know-how in measurable ways with assessments at the end of each step.
CBCH is made up of 3 stand-alone training courses. They are:
Getting Started with Hydraulics (GSH) – Step 1 – 5 days – scheduled 9 times in 2022
Industrial Hydraulic Principles (IHP) – Step 2 – 5 days – scheduled 8 times in 2022
Hands-on-Hydraulics (HOH) – Step 3 – 5 days -scheduled 5 times in 2022
How long do students have to complete HCBC? There is no time limitation. Students can complete and obtain AMT’s certification over several years.
Must the student attend and successfully complete all 3 training courses of study?
If the student opts in to the HCBC – Answer: YES
If the student does not want to participate in the HCBC – Answer: NO
If the student meets our prerequisites for AMT’s IHP or HOH and does not want to participate in the HCBC program, can they enroll in the IHP or HOH without attending the step 1 GSH? – Answer: YES
Note: Consider attending the GSH (Getting Started with Hydraulics) if someone is new to hydraulics technology. It’s worthwhile training that will provide the student a great foundation in hydraulic system terminology and component function.
Most important – Applied Motion Technologies, Inc. acknowledges successful completion of each of the 3 training courses (3 steps) with a special certificate identifying the student as having demonstrated proficiency at that level. If the student demonstrates proficiency for all 3 training courses of study, he or she receives a separate certificate acknowledging Competency-based Industrial Hydraulic Certification – HCBC.
For more information or check on enrollment availability email training@amthydraulics.com.
Can we help you with your travel arrangements? Ask about AMT’s special hotel rates.
Our pledge for everything we do and all of our courses: Students that successfully complete our training courses will return to their work place with real skills that they can use and their company needs. We hope you and your company will compare before you choose where you go for training. Compare the instructor staff. Compare the training equipment. Compare the training environment in and out of the classroom. Who can best provide you with the information you need to do your job?