Principles of Pneumatics (POP) – 4 days Learn how compressed air systems are used in industry. Understand how compressed air systems should be controlled for best performance because, if not properly controlled, compressed air systems/pneumatics can be, far and away, the most expensive fluid power energy consumer. Learn the operation of all of the major types of pneumatic valves, their function, their operation and their porting identification. Learn the proper way distributed compressed air plumbing should be planned and installed and what happens if proper distribution methods are not followed. Learn to troubleshoot pneumatic systems and ‘read’ and interpret pneumatic control schematics. Hands-on lab exercises using real pneumatic equipment!
Prerequisite: Exposure to or working with industrial machinery and/or processes – working in industrial equipment maintenance – Call us for details.
Tuition: $1,875.00 includes all training materials, breakfast items, morning and afternoon refreshments, complete lunch.
Payment – all major credit cards, cash or company check, PO with 30 day net terms
For more information or check on enrollment availability, call 800-597-6577 or email enroll@amthydraulics.com
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Our pledge for everything we do and all of our courses: Students that successfully complete our training courses will return to their work place with real skills that they can use and their company needs. We hope you and your company will compare before you choose where you go for training. Compare the instructor staff. Compare the training equipment. Compare the training environment in and out of the classroom. Who can best provide you with the information you need to do your job?