(UPV) – 5 days – All industrial maintenance personnel and technical staff have a need for information related to electro-proportional hydraulic valves and their circuit application. The use of proportional valves is virtually universal. Students will receive a thorough fundamental understanding of proportional valve types, how and why they are used and how they are controlled. The control signal stream for prop. valves from PLC to the valve control of the actuator will be thoroughly explained. Because proportional valve technology is the combined use of electronics and hydraulics it is important for all maintenance trades to develop their knowledge. This training course covers relief valves, pressure reducing valves, direct operated directional control valves with and without spool position feedback, pilot operated directional control valves with and without spool position feedback, flow controls and high dynamic response directional control valves that are often referred to as “servo solenoid valves”. Valve control with “on-board electronics” and separately installed drive electronics will also be covered. It is important for the student to understand the difference between valve driver electronics and process controller electronics. This course also explains how electro-proportional valves are used to control various variable displacement pump operation.
This training course is a proper blend of classroom lecture and hands-on lab exercises. AMT’s course content and lab content has been provided for several major US and international manufacturers with great success. AMT considers this training course one of the requirements for development of knowledgeable industrial maintenance technicians.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of AMT’s Industrial Hydraulic Principles Course or equivalent & work experience with industrial hydraulic equipment & systems.
Click here for a detailed UPV topical outline.
Tuition: $2,100.00 includes all training materials, breakfast items, morning and afternoon refreshments, and complete lunch.
Payment – all major credit cards, cash or company check, PO with 30 day net terms. A 3% Processing fee will be included for credit card payments.
For more information or check on enrollment availability, call 800-597-6577 or email enroll@amthydraulics.com.
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Our pledge for everything we do and all of our courses: Students that successfully complete our training courses will return to their work place with real skills that they can use and their company needs. We hope you and your company will compare before you choose where you go for training. Compare the instructor staff. Compare the training equipment. Compare the training environment in and out of the classroom. Who can best provide you with the information you need to do your job?