Our most requested training courses are the first three level courses offered by Applied Motion Technologies, Inc./ITTC:

The intent of these courses is to introduce students to hydraulic fluid power, components, circuits, capabilities, safety and applications. These courses are intended to develop depth of knowledge as students progress through each course. Because of the course’s integration and popularity, they have been combined into a comprehensive program – IFP. To qualify for program entry, an applicant must pass both a reading and math assessment provided during the week of the GSH class.

The IFP Program consists of three one-week courses (a total of 96 hours of training) that may be conveniently scheduled throughout the year to accommodate student’s work schedule availability. The program objective is intended to provide new and current employees within the hydraulic industry a comprehensive entry level understanding of hydraulic fluid power. The program allows both entry level employees/students to learn core competencies within this field, as well as provide expanded learning to existing employees in order to advance their knowledge and careers. This program helps to prepare individuals to become certified by the Industrial Fluid Power Society.


GSH – Getting Started with Hydraulics
IHP – Industrial Hydraulic Principles
HOH – Hands On Hydraulics
One-week course (32 hours)

The US is undergoing the biggest turnover of its workforce in its history. Many of the newer American industrial maintenance workers are stepping into their positions with limited formal training or experience with hydraulic fluid power (industrial hydraulics). Attempting to read and interpret schematics, troubleshoot and maintain hydraulic‐powered machines without any training can be a daunting task. This 5‐day training course is the first step in the development of maintenance and technical personnel that need to understand their hydraulic powered and controlled equipment.


This first step hydraulic training course concentrates on developing students’ understanding of industrial hydraulic fundamentals. These fundamentals include: characteristics of fluid pressure, fluid flow, fluid power, cylinder and hydraulic motor speed control and system heat production. Students will understand the purpose, function, operation and hydraulic schematic symbols for all major hydraulic valves and pumps. This training includes ample hands‐on lab exercises to reinforce the classroom lecture. We want our students to come prepared to be challenged in the classroom and the lab.

5-day training course

This is a course that teaches maintenance personnel the principles of industrial hydraulics technology including basic calculations for fluid pressure and flow and actuator velocity/rpm. Starting with the practical ideas of force, area, pressure, fluid flow rate, cylinder speed, hydraulic motor speed, hydraulic power and hydraulic system heat production, students develop their underst anding of how hydraulic powered and controlled machines work.
Students learn about all of the major groups of hydraulic components. They will review the function and principles of operation of direct operated and pilot operated relief valves, direct operated and pilot operated pressure reducing valves, direct operated and pilot operated directional control valves, check valves, pilot operated check valves, fixed displacement pumps, variable displacement pumps and accumulators.
Students develop their understanding of the 12 basic hydraulic circuits most often used in industrial hydraulic systems. These circuits are: system relief circuits, multiple system pressure relief circuits with low pressure vent, port relief (intensification relief) systems, cross port relief circuits, counterbalance circuits – with and without load holding P.O. checks, sequence circuits, high-low pump unloading circuits, load sensing circuits, pressure compensated variable displacements pumps with safety relief valves, regenerative systems and meter-in vs. meter-out speed control (throttle valve principle) and accumulators as auxiliary flow sources (accumulator safety blocks).
Additional time is devoted to teaching students how to ‘read’ and interpret hydraulic symbols. This is accomplished using special handouts of ISO standard symbol diagrams. There will be a brief introduction to the operation and application of electro-proportional hydraulic pressure and directional control valves with signals generated from a PLC.
This 5-day training course is approximately 50% lecture and 50% hands on lab exercises. The lab exercises reinforce the students understanding of hydraulic valve functions and of the hydraulic circuits previously listed.

one week course (32 hours)

This final 5-day course completes the Industrial Fluid Power (IFP) Program. This course focuses on hydraulic valve and control circuits. This course offers more detailed learning and hands on training through self-directed labs.

Students will learn system relief valve troubleshooting including setup considerations for fixed displacement pumps, how to properly set a spike pressure relief valve when used with a pressure compensated variable displacement pump and how to evaluate hot running hydraulic systems. This course focuses in more detail on hydraulic pumps in comparison to the two previous courses. This includes determining why the hydraulic pump’s electric drive motor shuts down on overload and troubleshooting worn pumps. Additionally, understanding and properly setting up a pressure compensated pump, a remote pressure compensated pump, a load sensing/meter in pressure compensated pump, and finally a horse power-controlled pump. This course emphasizes fluid cleanliness standards.

Students will be able to identify the difference between meter-in and meter out speed control and when meter-out speed control cannot be used. In depth discussions and learning are conducted on understanding stack valve systems by properly reading and interpreting a hydraulic schematic as well as properly assembling D03 stack valve systems according to a hydraulic schematic.


Students will learn how to properly check accumulator pre-charge pressure and add nitrogen to an accumulator. Students will setup a counterbalance circuit in the lab, learn the proper configuration of a hydraulic circuit when flow controls, counterbalance and load holding valves are all used to control the operation of a cylinder circuit. Students will understand the application of various directional control spool types.


Throughout this course and program completion, students will develop troubleshooting techniques and develop schematic reading and interpretation techniques.

The courses (GSH, IHP, HOH) when enrolled in the IFP Program are $1,875 per student per course. The $150 registration fee, books and supplies are included in tuition costs. This does not include any necessary travel or overnight accommodations.

The cumulative tuition is $5,625. ($150 registration fee + $5,475 tuition)

Students may pay per course upon scheduling at an individual tuition cost of $1,875 due upon the start of each respective course.

Students may pay per course upon scheduling at an individual tuition cost of $1,875 due upon the start of each respective course.

Distance Education (Video Conferencing) is available per customer request


Student will demonstrate through an enrollment-qualifying assessment that their reading skill level is equal to or better than 11th grade standard. Their reading level will be assessed using a standard recognized testing method. Successful completion of the Reading Assessment requires a score of 67% or a minimum of 20 out of 30 correct answers.
Students will demonstrate through an enrollment-qualifying assessment that their general mathematical skill level is equal to or better than 6th grade standard. Their mathematical level will be assessed using a standard recognized testing method. Successful completion of the Math Assessment requires a score of 67% or a minimum of 8 out of 12 correct answers.
The student must be 18 years of age or older on or before the commencement of the class. The student must have a high school diploma or GED equivalent.


Note: There is no reading or math assessment cost to an employer or to the student/applicant.


A completed Registration and Enrollment form is required prior to attendance.